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Derek Lamb

Thirsty Rockhampton / 2018
A letterpress broadside printed by Derek Lamb from handset wood and metal type, using an 1887 Alexandra Press, on 200 gsm Magnani ‘Pescia’ paper. Produced as part of a series of large typographic posters for a group exhibition of prints that respond to notions of place and history, as inspired by two publications: ‘The Early History of Rockhampton’ by JTS Bird, and ‘Early Rockhampton’ by JG Pattison. This poster presents the names of sixty-seven of Rockhampton’s pubs in a wide variety of 24 point typefaces and ornaments (suggesting possible renderings by sign painters), surrounding a 26 fl. oz. bottle of Castlemaine XXXX bitter ale, bordered by the main title around the top and bottom corners in marbled orange type (resembling bubbles). Derek Lamb notes: ‘Rockhampton was a thirsty place and this is not an exhaustive list! Some pubs still exist, but many have long disappeared and remain only as memories. Which do you remember?’
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