The QLD Government has made an announcement this morning that the Greater Brisbane lockdown is lifting at 12 noon today, however, a number of temporary safety measures remain in place for all of Queensland for two weeks, including:
Restrictions on aged care, hospitals, disability care and correctional facilities will apply with no personal visitors allowed during this period.
This means that unfortunately residents will not be allowed personal visitors including care and support until 12 noon on Thursday the 15th of April. If there are extenuating circumstances, we will look at allowing visitors on a case-by-case basis. This also means residents are not able to go out over the Easter period to visit with their families. Residents can attend a medical appointment if it can not be done over telehealth, please liaise with our Medical Clerk to organise a time. Email If you would like to Skype with your loved ones during the two-week lockdown please contact Jamie Langdon to organise a time. Email We understand that this is over Easter and we are very sorry that this will impact your time with your loved one, but this safety measure is in place to ensure we do not introduce COVID-19 into our community.
Please call (07) 4837 0300 with any questions.
Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation.