Please welcome Helen Cooke who will be taking over the Admissions role from
the long running Kerry Williams. Kerry will be stepping back into a Document
Control role but will remain within the Benevolent Living Family.

What’s Your Position?
Customer Relations Officer
How long have you worked at Benevolent Living?
I commenced on Monday 27 May 2019 (5 weeks ago) previously I worked in the
mining industry in Central Queensland.
What’s your favourite memory so far at Benevolent Living?
Getting to know the friendly staff and all the residents.
Do you have an interesting hobby or talent?
My hobbies are painting, pottery, gardening and my farm including looking after a vast array of animals.
What’ your favourite thing to do outside of work?
I enjoy spending time with my family (including my hubby, 4 children and 1 granddaughter), I love spending time in my garden and also spend time with my miniature goats (expecting a baby any day now).