The Queensland Government last week eased restrictions for those living in aged care across Queensland. Queenslanders in aged care can now have two visitors at a time, including children, for as often and as long as they like, (all visitors still need a current Flu Vaccination to visit). After an extensive risk assessment and with the news that our new screening software won't be ready until mid-July Benevolent Living is updating our visiting hours. We want to ensure we are giving families and visitors enough time and flexibility to see their loved ones so are opening up visiting hours every day between 7am and 5pm (if you are visiting outside of these times please call ahead). Visitors will still be required to enter through reception (automatic doors off West St Carpark) and will be directed to complete the mandatory screening process including taking your temperature and recording your details. You will still need to fill in a visitors tag and wear that the entire duration of your visit. Self-Guided Screening Process All visitors will need to wash their hands upon entry, then proceed to the front table to complete the Visitor Instruction. There will be a Log book to enter all details, answer the below questions and sign that the information you are providing is correct to the best of your knowledge. Then fill in your visitors badge and proceed with your visit, ensuring you leave through reception and note your exit time in the Log book. Screening Questions:
Where are you visiting from today?
No entry if you are coming from known COVID-19 hotspot in last 14 days. List will be attached and updated weekly.
Have you been overseas in the last 14 days? (NO ENTRY IF YES)
Have you been in contact with a suspected/confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days? (NO ENTRY IF YES).
Are you in close contact with or caring for someone who is currently unwell? (NO ENTRY IF YES).
Have you currently or within the last 7 days been unwell or been aware of any of the following symptoms? (NO ENTRY IF YES):
Fever, night sweats or chills
Runny nose
Sore or scratchy throat
Shortness of breath
Resident Outings
The updated public health direction also permits aged care residents to leave their homes for specific reasons such as exercise, health appointments, and family gatherings of up to 20 people. If you are accompanying your loved one offsite please complete the Resident Log before you leave and when you return.
Unfortunately, residents can still not go shopping, to cafes/restaurants or to public areas such as the beach etc.
Thank you for your cooperation
Benevolent Living wants to make seeing your loved one as easy as possible and trust that all visitors will do the right thing. If visitors are found to be in breach of our new visiting guidelines they may be asked to exclude themselves from the community. Furthermore, if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the CQ region our visiting guidelines will be reviewed and that will be communicated with families.
If you have any questions or would like to talk to discuss the new visiting hours further please contact Benevolent Living on (07) 4837 0300.